Fear: Inhibits Ideas and Cripples Success

2 min readDec 16, 2020

Day 29/100

Fear, a word we often hear is not necessarily a sign of weakness nor is there anything abnormal about it. Again being fearless is not an absence of fear, rather is means that the person is able to control fear from surfacing. How? Because, if you think carefully, we are not born with fear. Circumstances and past experiences are responsible for instilling it in us. If you’ve had a bad experience in a dark alley, darkness will always bring back those images and the thought itself is scary, for instance. In some cases, fear is taught. For example, in certain cultures we are made to do certain things and it is constantly drilled in our minds that if we don’t oblige, we will suffer. In reality, noone has endured the suffering, yet the ideas are passed on very effectively from one generation to another. If you notice, a new born baby doesn’t fear at all. Even if he/she is thrown high up in the air, they laugh, they are neither scared of the heights nor do they fear falling and hurting themselves. That’s because they are completely oblivious to these experiences. But as we grow, our surroundings, people and experiences fill our heads with fear.

In some cases, the person who experiences fear transfers this to the other. This could be a sibling, a spouse, a friend-- anyone. And in the process, it harms not just the person concerned but the others involved too. Fear prevents taking up new challenges and embarking on a lesser travelled path. That way, it can impact progress at work. And it is not easy for others to bring it down. One must make effort to control it. Life is short, you can keep away from the unknown forever. Whether you fear or not, destiny doesn’t care. It hands out what’s due to you, isn’t it?

If you have ever experienced anything in life that brings in recurrent fear, you need to see a counsellor. The more scared you are, the more you’ll imagine things. It affects your thinking, your actions and those who live with you. Learn to leverage it. Don’t let it control you. Once you learn to walk over it, you will be surprised to see that there is a whole new world on the other side. I know it’s easier said than done. But do take the first step….even that’s a good sign. Lao Tzu said, “There is no illusion greater than fear.” It simply cripples your ideas and stalls your success. It’s time to allow courage to take over life and send fear to the back seat!! Get ready for the ride of a lifetime!!

